Homemade Strawberry MilkShake Recipe

    Homemade Strawberry MilkShake Recipe

    Ingredients :

    • 12-13 medium sized strawberries
    • 1 cup cold milk
    • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
    • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar

    Preparation :

    Wash strawberries and tear off the stems.

    Put the strawberries into the food processor. Stir until pureed. Add cold milk, ice cream and the sugar. Stir with a food processor again until smooth and frothy consistency.

    Put the cold strawberry milkshake into glasses. Upon request, the surfaces can be decorated with whipped cream or strawberry slices. Served cold.

    If you get a dark consistency of strawberry milkshake, you can add more cold milk.

    You can also use strawberry ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream in the strawberry milkshake.

    Bon appetite

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