Put a large pan on the stove and heat. Add meats onto. Cook the meats until the water dissapears.
Then, add chopped onion and butter onto. Sauté 2 minutes. Then, add tomato paste. Saute for about 1 minute.
On the other hand, chop the eggplant into cubes. Fry in hot oil. Then add eggplant, peas, salt and black pepper on to cooked meat. Stir and remove from heat.
On the other hand, Divide the filo dough into four pieces. Place the filo dough into a small bowl. Put 2-3 tablespoon meaty mixture into. Cover the filo dough and turn over. Place the tray into the oven.
For bechamel sauce; put butter into a small saucepan. Melt the butter gently. Add flour in the saucepan. Cook with stirring a wooden spoon or mini whisk 1 minute. Then, pour milk little by little onto. Whisk the milk into the flour until it is completely smooth. Bring to a boil. Cook 2-3 minutes stirring constantly. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper. Then remove from heat.
Pour the bechamel sauce onto sultan kebab. Give pre-heated 200 degree oven. Until 15 minutes to cook. Then, remove the cooked sultan kebab from oven. Sprinkle grated cheese onto. Give back in the oven. Cook 5 minutes.
Then get the sultan kebab from oven. Serve hot.
Bon appetite
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