Leek Patties Recipe

    Leek Patties Recipe

    Ingredients :

    • 2 stalks leeks
    • 1 medium size carrot
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 tablespoon of corn flour
    • 1 tablespoon whole wheat flour
    • 1-2 pinch of dill
    • Red pepper
    • Black pepper
    • Salt
    • Vegetable oil (for frying)

    Preparation :

    Wash the leeks well, then dry them. Chop leeks in small pieces and grate the carrots.

    Upon request, fry the chopped leeks into the teflon pan with a little amount of vegetable oil at 2-3 minutes. Then get into the mixing bowl after it has cooled a bit.

    Take vegetables in to a mixing bowl and break 2 eggs on them. Add the chopped dill, flour, salt and spices. Mix well with the help of a spoon. The mixture will get a little solid consistency.

    Put oil in a large skillet. Heat the oil. Take a tablespoon of prepared vegetable mixture, put it over to the heated oil. Try not to be too thick. Press lightly on the back side of the spoon onto them. Fry both of the patties. In order to take excess oil at patties, you can use a paper towel. Thus, it will be more healthy.

    Finally, take the cooked leek patties to a serving dish. As you wish, you can serve hot or cold.

    Bon appetite

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